Konrad Meyenberg

Başlık:  Posterior bölgede restoratif komplikasyonları önlemek – bazı klinik, biyolojik ve teknik düşünceler”
Title: “Avoiding restorative complications in the posterior zone - some clinical, biological and technical considerations”

Most implants today are placed in the posterior region in favour to replace missing single or multiple teeth. In contrast to the anterior zone, the challenge to avoid aesthetic complications is reduced, however it is greater to avoid functional, biological and technical complications in an area, where more critical anatomical structures need to be respected, and where the access both for the clinician and the patient may be limited.

This presentation will highlight the following topics:

  • specific failure and complication rates and their causes
  • analysis and recommendations for implant and abutment designs and materials
  • analysis of current types of connections and clinical recommendations: smart design versus traditional school
  • original versus compatible implant components
  • cemented versus screw retained reconstructions: problems, solutions and recommendations
  • short and small diameter implants: benefits versus risks
  • splinting or single restorations: facts and clinics

All these considerations will be discussed and illustrated by numerous clinical cases.


Konrad H. Meyenberg graduated at the University of Zurich, Switzerland in 1985.

4-year post-graduate program in reconstructive dentistry in Zurich at the department for fixed and remouvable prosthodontics and material sciences (chairman: Prof. Peter Schärer).

Certified specialist for Reconstructive Dentistry of the Swiss and European Dental Society (specialty degree since 1993). Private practice limited to esthetic reconstructive dentistry in Zurich, Switzerland. Senior lecturer for reconstructive dentistry at the Universitis of Zurich, Dental Schools. Since 1990 a well-known speaker at numerous international congresses and events, having presented at more than 500 congresses. Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) and the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD).

Member of the editorial board and reviewer of  the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry and the Journal of Implantologie.